The Most Important Secrets
You Must Learn
In Order to Be Stress Free

The #1 Product on the Market That Will Reduce Your Anxiety and Stress Naturally Without Having to Resort to Prescriptions and Over-The-Counter- Medications


What is it?  I’ll Give You a Hint.  “It’s Time to Get Rocking!”

For years, doctors have been giving patients pills like it was candy to relieve their stress.  You got a problem take a pill and this is the reason why so many people have so many different health problems and issues.

I am a very busy person as a wife with three kids, a full time job and a family that is always on the run.  Stress is unavoidable.  I have always been a big advocate when it comes to healing the body naturally, especially when it comes to releasing the stresses that life puts upon us. 

I always used yoga as a way to release stress then one day I came across a website called  I was amused by the name so I clicked on to it.  It was a product designed to relieve stress.   Too Many Rocks In Your Pocket was designed to help make us more aware of the stress we face on a daily basis and as a vehicle to help end the day by removing some of the stress using the rocks.

Each rock had a different word representing a different part of our lives.  For example, one rock had kids on it, another rock said family, relationships, job and so on.

The object is to take the rock that relates to the stress you are feeling, put it in your pocket or pocket book and then extra weight represents the weight (the extra stress we are dealing with that day).  At the end of the day, we put the rock back in the bag, releasing the extra weight caused by the rock, which represents the stress we are feeling and then we start clean with a fresh slate.

I liked the idea.  So, I ordered it.  It came quickly, packaged well with an explanation of how to use it and a web address to get more information on the product.  I used it and it helped me.  It helped me to recognize my stress, face it and then throw it over my shoulders so I could start fresh and not dwell on the same problems day after day.    These rocks taught me how to recognize my stress.  Realize that I cannot change the past.  I need deal with the problem and go on. Life is too short to dwell.  Fix it and start fresh for tomorrow is a new day.  I give these rocks five stars.  I use them every day.  I am so happy I ordered them from  I will definitely buy this as a gift for my friends and family for the holidays.

Reviewed by - Stacey Chillemi