Joovy Zoom360 Jogging Stroller: Enjoy Your Run While Your Baby Enjoys The Sights...

 This is the best jogging stroller we've seen... for its looks, quality, and features! The Zoom360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller is simple yet strong, with excellent performance. Stylish as it is practical, the Zoom360 Ultralight will make jogging with your child an enjoyable activity.

At 26.25 lbs, the Zoom360 is one of the smoothest yet solid jogging strollers around. The large 16" pneumatic rear wheels can easily glide over uneven terrain and the suspension will minimize bumps in the road. The pneumatic front wheel can be unlocked to swivel, allowing for maximum maneuverability. It can also be locked for great stability for walking or running on straight, long paths.

The Zoom360 Ultralight supports a child up to 75 lbs comfortably. And with the seat up high, your child will have a better view of the world and enjoy going on a run with you. The extra large canopy will keep the sun out of your child's eyes and can adjust to any position from fully opened to fully closed. There is a peek-a-boo window so you can always check if your child is having a pleasant ride.
The Zoom360 Ultralight includes a parent organizer, a fantastic accessory. It offers on-the-go convenience for beverages and has a zippered pocket for your keys and phone. A tire pump is also included so your tires will be at the right inflation anywhere you go.
The Zoom360 Ultralight has an easy and compact fold that includes an auto-lock feature. Quick release wheels make storage hassle-free.
And, for getting out with newborns and infants, take a stroll while they are snuggled in their car seat. Their car seat adapters have “click-in” functionality and are available for major brand car seats (sold separately).
There is also an optional rain cover because why let a little rain stop you from your run! Joovy is the best!